Fall Aeration and Turf Over-Seeding

November 14, 2011 at 3:42 pm

Achievement of a healthy lawn for next year begins in the fall of the previous year. Proper aeration and over-seeding helps relieve compaction in the soil from the hot summer months to allow for better retention of moisture, nutrient retention in the soil, and seed to soil contact for over-seeding. Unlike warm season grasses, cool season grasses such as fescue, rye and bluegrass do not spread. Over-seeding provides new seed to help repair stress damaged areas from the hot summer season and will provide a lush thick lawn for the following year.

aeration over-seedingKey Benefits of Aeration & Overseeding

The benefits of aeration and overseeing include:

  • Relieves compaction in soil
  • Added moisture retention and nutrients
  • Repairs areas damaged due to heat induced stress during the hot summer months
  • Ensures a lush thick stand of turf in the spring

With the proper equipment and materials, aeration and overseeding can be performed with little to no damage to the existing turf. To ensure proper germination and better results, it is important to keep leaves off the newly over-seeded area, keep foot traffic to a minimum, and allow newly germinated seed to become established before regular mowing should resume.